Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Blaming "Low Performers" in Tech Layoffs

Tech layoffs are tough enough without companies adding insult to injury by framing them as a purge of 'low performers.' This harmful narrative unfairly stigmatizes employees, making their job search harder while protecting executives from accountability. Worse yet, companies that take this approach risk damaging their reputation and future hiring prospects.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Prompting is Coding By Another Name

AI is transforming coding by redefining what it means to code. Writing prompts for LLMs is more about structured shorthand than perfect sentences, resembling programming itself. Like higher-level languages, LLMs shift the focus from syntax to architecture and validation. The challenge is not just generating code, but ensuring it integrates into a well-designed, high-quality system.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Rethinking Tech Interviews: Why Teams Should Let Candidates Use Google and ChatGPT

Tech interviews are broken, and it's time for a change. Expecting candidates to solve complex coding problems from memory without access to modern tools like Google and ChatGPT doesn't reflect how engineers actually work. In the real world, problem-solving, critical thinking, and leveraging available resources are key to success. Read on to discover why allowing candidates to use these tools can lead to better hires and a more effective interview process.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

DevOps: A Set of Practices, Not a Job Role

"DevOps" is often misunderstood as a job role. This misconception can lead to stress, burnout, and suboptimal outcomes for both individuals and businesses. By treating DevOps as a set of practices, organizations can foster better collaboration, reduce stress, and achieve more sustainable results.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Cloud Native or Cloud Chaos?

Explore the intricate journey of building your own cloud with CNCF tools. Discover the balance between control and complexity, and decide if the cloud-native path is the right choice for your organization.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

“Finally” Moving to the Cloud?

Cloud computing has been a game-changer for over a decade, offering cost savings, scalability, and freedom from hardware headaches. So why are some folks still surprised when a high-profile organization moves to the cloud?

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Tests First, Tools Second

Discover why prioritizing test design over automation tools is the key to delivering high-quality software.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Fix the Agile Daily Standup

How can we continue to get most of the benefits from daily standup for a significantly lower cost in terms of engineering team productivity?

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Agile vs. Developer Productivity

If meetings impact developer productivity as much as the developers themselves are telling us, then it only stands to reason that one of the best ways to improve productivity would be to start reducing the number of meetings — and the Agile cadence is a prime target.

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Scott McMaster Scott McMaster

Tearing Down Code Siloes

Tearing down code siloes is about more than just creating an efficient development process; it extends its impact to cultivate a culture of continuous learning and collaboration.

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