Please Survive an Availability Zone Outage

If you’re a cloud watcher like me, you probably heard about a major Alibaba Cloud outage in their Hong Kong region a few days ago that impacted some customers for up to 24 hours. They posted a detailed incident report.

It’s always interesting and informative to read well-written incident reports because you can learn things that help you as a customer (or you as a cloud infrastructure provider) to improve and avoid incidents in the future. So I opened that link up expecting to hear about a series of unfortunate events involving complex distributed computing hardware and software.

Instead, the Alibaba Cloud outage was fundamentally an HVAC issue — a “high temperature” event where the fire supression mechanisms started to kick in. Curious, because HVAC problems in cloud data centers are usually by design isolated to a single availability zone (AZ). And in fact this one was. But if you are one of the impacted customers, make no mistake:

Your cloud system should be able to tolerate a failure in a single availability zone.

In fact, it’s right there in the name — it’s called an availability zone for a reason. The major cloud providers that build this architecture divide their infrastructure into geographically dispersed regions, and within each region are physically separate availability zones with ultra-fast networking interconnects.

The thing that AZs give you is literally supposed to be insurance against this type of real-world event. Of course, to take advantage of that insurance, you have to make sure your application is correctly architected.

But the thing is, in most cases, unlike going multi-region, running multi-AZ really isn’t that difficult, and most of the commonly used cloud services and patterns steer you in that direction automatically.

For example, if you’re running a non-trivial service, you probably have your web servers deployed in a cluster. When you set that up, it’s usually easier than not to have your cluster be resilient to an AZ failure. And almost all serverless services don’t have single-AZ points of failure.

For the handful of services that aren’t naturally easy to run multi-AZ, there are well-known and well-documented procedures for avoid, detecting, and recovering from a single-AZ failure while meeting your RPO or RTO.

If you are a cloud architect, you need only to:

  • Architect to make as much of your system as possible handle an AZ failure transparently.

  • Understand what services you use have a single-AZ dependency.

  • Document (if necessary) what procedures need to be taken in an AZ failure.

  • Test that those procedures work. (Your cloud provider can probably help you simulate an AZ failure.)

Now might be a good time to go and check these things out in your cloud infrastructure. Let me know what kinds of issues you find and how challenging they are to resolve.


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